Our Office

Initiate brings diversity to a safe space Everyone has the right to participate

المنتدى المجتمعي للتمكين والتنمية يطلق مشروع لتعزيز تمكين النساء والفتيات في صور

اطلق المنتدى المجتمعي للتنمية والتمكين (Initiate) بالشراكة مع هيئة الأمم المتحدة للمرأة  في لبنان مشروع" تعزيز تمكين وصمود النساء والفتيات... read more

Looking into the Brightside

A cheerful, happy enthusiastic 32 years’ Palestinian woman Suzan, walks around the camp surveying cases in an attempt to serve... read more

Getting out of my Comfort Zone

A divorcee woman, a mother of an eleven years old boy, at the age of 27 waiting for her father... read more

Women in Lebanon join forces to fight food poverty in their communities

“This community kitchen came as an opportunity for all the women at the camp to have the chance to work,... read more

Women Supporting Women

One hundred and twenty women are engaged in the preparation and distribution of hot meals for vulnerable families living in... read more

Starting With Fresh Eyes

“It took me few days to realize how bad the situation in my community is,” says Safa, “before joining the... read more

1001 Nights Project

  بعد سنتين ونص من العمل في مشروع ألف ليلة وليلة، نقدم لكم الفيديو الختامي الذي يتكلم عن اهم المراحل والنتائج... read more

كرمالن وكرملنا، تذكر تاخد اللقحات اللازمة لتحمي حالك وكل مين بتحبوا

      https://youtu.be/a0uaNblMhNg read more

قصة سليم – مركز السنابل

"كل أم بهل الحياة بتطمح لتشوف ابنا احسن وانجح ابن، بس انا كل يلي كان بدي ياه هو انو شوف... read more

Muneer – Journey Of Change

“Equality, respect, and responsibility”, said Muneer’s mom, “those words would sum up my son’s experience in the 1001 Nights program.... read more

Rola Jawad

Rola Jawad is a teacher at Anamil Al Saghira nursery, which is one of INITIATE’s partners in implementing 1001 Nights... read more

طارق المهباني

"الظلم هو أبشع شي بالحياة، وانك تظلم أو تنظلم بالتأكيد هو شي سلبي. من أهم الأشياء يلي تعلمتا من خلال... read more

Mohammad Al Turk

“Every story has its own adventures, which is amazing. Each time we watch a new story in class, I leave... read more

سوسن الوردة

 "الأهل، المجتمع، المدرسة، المحيط، هي كلها عوامل بتأثر على نشأت الولد وطريقة تفكيروا. طبعاً أولادنا جوا المخيم مش كلن عايشين... read more


"From 1001 Nights, I learned the meaning of trust among friends. I have always thought that it was impossible to... read more

مرام الجنسيس

"كتير قصص بتمرق بحياتي بتذكرني بألف ليلة وليلة. وكتير بحس حالي مميزة لما قول لرفقاتي انو عم اتعلم عن مبادئ... read more


Who We Are

Initiate is registered ( Reg. 86) Lebanese Non-Governmental Organization founded by agroup of youth volunteers, whom they managed to secure funds and support from international and local donors to support the refugees coming from Syria after the crisis started.
Since its inception in 2011, Initiate successfully managed to serve, support and provide different kinds of projects and programs that were focused to create an environment in which women and youth live in dignity and develop joint acting platforms among refugees and local communities in Lebanon.

The Community Organization for Development and Empowerment
المنتدى المجتمعي للتمكين و التنمية

” شباب ممكن , مجتمع محصن”
“Empowered youth, safeguarded community”

INITIATE is a Nongovernmental, nonprofit, youth oriented organization based in Lebanon and dedicated to assisting vulnerable communities through youth inclusion and empowerment.
While keeping youth at its focus of its mission, INITIATE continually endeavor in creating comprehensive and inclusive programs aimed towards the Empowerment of youth, and its concentric circles of influence.
In the process of delivering its Mission INITIATE aspire to keeping its status as a hub for youth allowing them to: access a safe space, acquire knowledge and access to a network of social and political influencers enhancing their social participation in decision making processes.

BENEVOLENT: We are self-aware and selfless, focusing on achieving our mission without the strive for personal gain.
ONE-CREW: We function as one body, serving one purpose.
EVOLUTIONARY: Continuously innovating and adapting to fulfill community needs, while keeping our core values at heart.
PROFICIENT: Continuously seeking excellence, to realize the highest quality, most efficient, and effectual services.
SYNERGISTIC: We believe that through collaboration and knowledge sharing , we produce a combined effect far greater than the sum of our separate effects.

Our History

How we started?


The beginning

INITIATE was inspired by different voluntary initiatives and campaigns to support the refugees coming from Syria after the crisis started. Tens of volunteers were working within the campaign with the support of different donors like DRC and, WORLD VISION, UNRWA etc. INITIATE provided different kinds of assistance including Non-food items distribution for more than 3000 PRS.



INITIATE continued to implement different initiatives to improve the living conditions of the Palestinian Refugees from Syria (PRS) in the Palestinian camps of South Lebanon. Besides, INITIATE implemented other initiatives to improve the social cohesion among the Palestinian youth from the camps and the Lebanese youth in south Lebanon.



INITIATE also got funded by the Embassy of Netherlands in Lebanon and implemented “Creating Space for Grassroots Mobilization Project” that was implemented in Rashedieh Camp in the south.


Partnership with GIZ

INITIATE is a partner for GIZ since 2017 to enhance the social participation for Palestinian refugees in Lebanon mainly youth. We participate in implementing beyoned, fasbar anad now part projects.


Young Cities

Young Cities

INITIATE started a new partnership with ISD in order to train youth groups and follow up their initiatives in North, Beqaa and South under a ” Young Cities” project.


1001 Nights

1001 Nights

INITIATE started a new project called “1001 Nights” life skills and Civic Education Program in Lebanon to Promote Social Cohesion in Partnership with  Teach for Lebanon “TFL” and Big Bad Boo production and funded by: Regional Development and Protection Program for Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq (RDPP). Initiate opened a new center in Beirut and increase its crew in order to implement this project.

Meet Our Team

Small team with great passion