Media Producer

Media Producer

Posted 4 years ago
  1. Background Information on MESO:


Multipliers Empowered for Strategic Opportunities-MESO is a project implemented by INITIATE in partnership with the GIZ project; Strengthening the influence of Palestinian refugees on their living condition (PART)

This project aims to enhance the social participation of different marginalized groups, mainly from refugee camps and gathering. Youth and women will be empowered to engage in and lead the decision-making processes through establishing organization of the multiplier groups in the various localities, providing them with opportunities to influence local governance system and the host government and be enabled to contribute to information of public policies that have youth and women in mind. The most marginalized groups will then be able to advance pressing social issues, such as domestic violence, asymmetry of access, human rights violations, youth exclusion and discrimination, mainly against women, through carrying out public debates, town hall meetings and weekend solutions. This process will value the participation of women and encourage their active engagement in networks locally, nationally and internationally.

PART(MEO) is a GIZ program commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and implemented in partnership with INITIATE.

  • Purpose of the Consultancy:

The overall objective of this consultancy is to production ten high definition episodes (media products).

  • Deliverables/Outputs

Mandatory products and outputs are:

Production of ten high definition episodes (media products) covering different topics related to social issues including (employment, dollar, corona, online studying), including all needed editing and visibility requirements by TCODE-INITIATE. the ten mentioned media products have to shed the light on the serious issues that the Palestinian and Lebanese Communities are suffering from.

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