Expert Consultant in Capacity Building and Liaison Coordination

Expert Consultant in Capacity Building and Liaison Coordination

Posted 2 years ago

Terms of Reference
Subject: Expert Consultant in Capacity Building and Liaison Coordination

I. Background Information:

The Community Organization for Development and Empowerment-TCODE-INITIATE is a Nongovernmental, nonprofit, youth-oriented organization based in Lebanon and dedicated to assisting vulnerable communities through youth inclusion and empowerment. While keeping youth at its focus of its mission, TCODE-INITIATE continually endeavors in creating comprehensive and inclusive programs aimed towards the empowerment of youth, and its concentric circles of influence.
In the process of delivering its Mission TCODE-INITIATE aspires to keeping its status as a hub for youth allowing them to: access a safe space, and acquire knowledge and access to a network of social and political influencers enhancing their social participation in decision making processes.

II. Purpose of the Contract:

The incumbent’s main role will be to coordinate between LPDC, UNRWA and INITIATE on a strategy review to help grassroots voice out to UNRWA, and establish INITIATE as an intermediate channel, MESO, between MACRO and MICRO for information transmission.
The consultant will support INITIATE team strategy review, especially with regard to the grassroots/rights strategy.
The consultant will also steer the liaison unit and coordinate with various experts in the research field in line with the project’s strategy.
The output will primarily be in the form of papers’ writing, identify the possible amendments in the structure and mandate INITIATE as MESO player.

III. Tasks:

The contractor is responsible for providing the following services:
1. Coordination:
– Capacitate INITIATE on direct and indirect communication with LPDC and Macro actors, provide recommendations, and enhance coordination among them;
– Capacitate INITIATE with the needed knowledge on the various tracks to help grassroots voice out to LPDC;
– MESO to MACRO link: working with LPDC and UNRWA on the rights track.

2. Advocacy:
– Support, between MESO and MACRO, advocating for the prioritization of the situation of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon at the international outreach level;
– Support, between MESO and MACRO, advocating for more transparency;
– Liaise with LPDC to reach out to more decision makers such as institutional and governmental bodies, international organizations, among others;
– Advocate for the joint LPDC-INITIATE MESO strategy on the rights track;
– Support to increase awareness among Macro actors of the necessity to integrate voices of the micro level.

3. Strategy-building:
– Work with INITIATE on their strategy review, amend the grassroots/rights strategy and provide recommendations, where needed, on the way forward.

IV. Deliverables:
As laid out in the table below:
Milestone Number of Working Days Target Due Dates Review and Approvals required
1st Progress report on the carried-out tasks 20 working days 15 September 2023
INITIATE management team
2nd Progress report on the carried-out tasks 35 working days 10 November 2023
3rd Progress report on the carried-out tasks 25 working days 10 January 2024

V. Qualifications:

– Bachelor’s degree in political sciences, International Affairs or any other relevant field

General professional experience:
– Minimum 2 years of working experience in the humanitarian field and on Human Rights,
– Previous working experience with UN Agencies, NGOs and INGOs is a must,
– Previous working experience on Refugees’ context is a must.

Specific professional experience:
– Previous working experience during the regional events tackling the Palestinian refugees file in the MENA region;
– 2 years of working experience with writing policies, reporting during diplomatic meetings and strategic planning.

– Fluency in English is a must,
– Knowledge of other working languages is a plus.

Soft skills of team members
In addition to their specialist qualifications, the following qualifications are required of team members:
– Writing policies and reports,
– Communication skills,
– Management and leadership skills

VI. Timeframe:

The contracting party is expected to provide his services in the period between 01.08.2023 till 10.01.2024.

Submit technical and financial offers to or attach them here
Deadline: 19/07/2023

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