
Providing support during emergencies connects us to others and creates a stronger community.

With Partnership with GIZ, LPDC, and UNRWA, Initiate is working on Supporting the national vaccination campaign 2022’. The project will target the Palestinian population mainly residing in camps and gatherings in Lebanon. The target areas are mainly Beirut, North, and South camps and gatherings with a possibility of expanding to Bekaa region if needed.

As a continuation of the efforts done as part of the national COVID-19 Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCCE), The Community Organization for Development and Empowerment-INITIATE, Covid Response Team is supporting and facilitating the vaccination process at the first center for vaccination against COVID-19 that UNRWA opened in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Health, the Lebanese Palestinian Dialogue Committee and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) inside the Ain al-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp.

After The Blast, Initiate volunteers played a role in supporting the community by cleaning up the streets and sharing food as a small way to give Beirut back the life again. INITIATE took responsibility for supporting rehabilitation for minor and basic destruction in 10 affected houses in different districts in Beirut.